What to Expect
Your initial physiotherapy consultation is 60 minutes. If your case is complex you will receive all four steps following your assessment as shown on our Homepage. If your diagnosis is fairly straight forward you can expect to receive some treatment in your first visit. Your medical history and injury pain will be discussed and recorded at your assessment. We use a Dictaphone to ensure accurate information gathering and this is then used to record findings and further your treatment plan.
4 Steps of Your Initial Assessment
Step 1
We thoroughly understand both the history of your condition and then on full examination determine a precise diagnosis for your condition.
After your examination, we will explain to you on a large screen the exact nature of your injury and the faults found. We will ensure you fully understand your condition, and the mechanisms that may have caused it.
Step 2
We provide you with a hands-on management plan that will accelerate your recovery. It is essential for most patients to have specific physiotherapy techniques to improve their condition. This may involve treating your muscles, loosening joints or mobilising nerve tissue. Sometimes, a combination of all of these will be required. We will use specific techniques that will be explained to you in some detail.
Step 3
You can download an exercise app free of charge, and we will send relevant exercises directly to your app, so that you have a record and explanation of what you need to do to make your condition better. There may be some video content as well as pictures and an explanation of exactly how to carry out the exercise. The physiotherapist will also provide you with additional exercises during your treatment process to improve your flexibility, strength, and mobility.
Step 4
For some patients we will bring you back in for a review appointment. These reviews can be now be done virtually if you prefer. This ensures the money that you have spent solves your condition and as much as possible limits any return of the same condition. We strive to ensure that you get both value for money and a return to the quality of life that you were expecting.
Finally, on this initial assessment process, we will always provide you with a quote for treatment and the various payment options that you have available. We enable you to pay as you go for your treatment or alternatively, you can buy blocks of treatment of four, six or eight treatments, which we will discount accordingly.
Blocks need to be paid for at your initial assessment. Any refunds for unused blocks must be claimed at discharge of treatment or utilised within 3 months of the last session taken.
We are also recognised by all the major health insurance companies and will provide you with receipted invoices to claim back fees for insurance cash back plans.
What is the difference between physiotherapy chiropractic and Osteopathy?
In all honesty this is a difficult question to answer because sometimes there is more difference between two practitioners of the same profession than there is sometimes between practitioners of different professions. As a gross generalisation, physiotherapists use a whole mixture of techniques including soft tissue work, manual therapy (joint mobilisation for example), rehabilitation exercises to strengthen specific muscles and a minimal amount of manipulative treatment. Manipulation is where a joint is clicked.
Osteopaths sit somewhere in the middle between physiotherapists and chiropractors and they use less of the soft tissue techniques and more manipulation. Chiropractors tend to use mainly manipulation of joints as their tool followed by soft tissue work and a number of other treatments. All therapists tend to use specialist equipment. An example of what equipment a physiotherapist might use include Shockwave, ultrasound, laser and some specific measurement tools such as Vi-Move which analysis precisely your movement patters.
Each discipline will have different approaches to solving the same problem. My feeling is that whichever practitioner you see their diagnostic skill and accuracy is the most important thing, because if you don’t understand exactly what you are treating and why you are treating it then almost anything else you do will not resolve the problem. All practitioners should pride themselves in preventative therapy to ensure that your problem does not return and at the end of the course of treatment you are in a much better place than when you started the treatment. As an example, we as a practice, offer preventative management which involves a review process to ensure that your problem is fixed, and also if you need any further advice on exercise that can be done at a later date when you have returned to a normal lifestyle. Very often if the pain does return following the course of treatment, the reason for this is that on loading your body your tissues are still irritated or damaged and your practitioner should be able to work this out and provide you with a plan to make sure this doesn’t happen.
How do I claim back from my insurance company?
If you have a cash back plan to claim your expenses direct from your insurance provider then you will need to produce receipted invoices. You can mention this to your practitioner upon commencement of treatment and receipts will be emailed in PDF format. You can email Ruth our Administrator anytime to request receipts at admin@physioelite.co.uk.
We are recognised as a provider by all major insurance companies and if you have preauthorisation for physiotherapy treatment please provide this when booking your appointment or email authorisation number to admin@physioelite.co.uk. If there is an excess due on your policy this is payable direct to us at Physioelite.
How do I know my physiotherapy plan is going to work?
On our website you will see the 4 steps: 1. Accurate diagnosis 2. Accurate hands on management plan 3. A full exercise plan to ensure that you are empowered to deal with your condition. 4. A prevention plan if it is required to ensure your condition does not return and your wellbeing is maximised.
If these 4 steps are carried out reliably and accurately it is highly likely that your treatment process will be both highly effective and prevent your condition from returning. At Physioelite we pride ourselves on the patient getting value for money and ensuring that your condition is solved, and it does not return. This ensures your investment is effective.
On some occasions the injury that you have does not fully clear up with physiotherapy and in these circumstances often you need to be referred on to another expertise. An example of this would be a back condition that is not resolved as there is an underlying structural reason why this is the case and in these sorts of circumstances we would refer you on to a specialist consultant in spinal care. My preferred provider is Mr Ian Harding at the Spire Hospital and we would provide you with a letter prior to your consultation to ensure the consultant fully understands our intervention and what we feel may be part of your problem. Often the consultant will then recommend MRI and X-rays to investigate you and ensure that you have the correct solution to any injury we are unable to clear up.
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0117 957 0206
Physio Elite, The Old Woolmart
Bristol Road, Hambrook
Bristol, BS16 1RB
Opening Hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs 9am – 8pm
Weds 9am – 4pm
Fri 9am – 7pm
Sat 9am – 1pm